Family Cookbook Contents Page

Time to get started on our cookbook projects. The poll revealed that most of you are happy with a 5x8 or 8.5x11 sized scrapbook style book with movable pages and page protectors. I will try to show lots of examples of this style when possible.

For our next assignmentin this month's recipe organization challenge, let's take a look at our recipes--rmember you have already pulled out your collection and finished tossing out the duds. Now let's begin on our table of contents.

Take an 8.5x11 piece of cardstock that will go through your printer and create a CONTENTS page. Depending on your recipes, it could have any of the following alphabetical catagories.
Pick and choose according to your recipe collection or add in some if needed. If you include a catagory it should have at least 5 - 10 recipes.

* • Appetizers
* • Beverages
* • Breads
* • Comfort Food
* • Desserts or Chocolate
* • Diets for Special Needs
* • Entertaining
* • Eggs
* • Grilling and outdoors
* • Healthy Eating
* • International Favorites
* • Kids Cooking
* • Meat, Poultry & Fish
* • Menus for Every Occasion
* • Pasta
* • Quick & Easy 30 minutes or less
* • Salads
* • Soups
* • Vegetables

When creating your pages, honestly I would not bother trying to type up all my recipes. I love the handwritten look. Just photocopy the backs of any recipe cards when needed and 'scrapbook both the real recipe card and the color copy back'side' onto your 8.5x11 background page.

If you have tons of recipe cards and prefer not to copy or glue down the oringinal cards at all, consider doing a 2-up or 3-up style album and that way you can just slip the cards into 4x6 slots. This is the style I am doing with my grandmother's recipe collection.

ANother great article on making your own cookbook scrapbook is found here


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