Barb's 31 Days of March Photo Challenge

I have been doing Barb's "31 Days of March" Photo and Layout challenge based on following your own GOALS in 2008. While I haven't had time to do the corresponding layout pages yet, I am keeping up on my photos! I will be updating this specific blog entry with my new photos as the weeks go by.

Here are my interpretaions of Barb's daily challenges so far in March.
Barb's wonderful challenge can be found here.

Day 31-Picture of Yourself

Day 30-Family News Story- I would tell about my son winning the MTU 2008 Presidential scholarship and his fiance' winning the national Barry Goldwater 2007 scholarship! Yeah them!

Day 29-Driver of Most Trips: that would be ME! Shown here in my car.

Day 28- autographed books- I have books and poster signed by Mary E when I met her at GASC in texas. Here is the poster on my scrap studio wall. Books are across the room on top of a bookcase.

Day 27-Game Show: I don't watch game shows much unless you count Survivor. I guess Wheel of Fortune is close but I don't watch it, my grandmother does. So the game item that reminds me of that show would be Scrabble! We do play that and have several versions and dictionaries on our game shelves! LOL

Day 26-Contents of Purse:

Day 25-Kitchen Potholders: blue of course!

Day 24-Wall Hanging over 3 yrs old: our family tree! About 26 years old. :) And I still love it!

Day 23-Easter Here I am with my basket! LOL My daughter took the photo.

Day 22-Movie Theater Poster: No longer in a theater but it used to be! LOTR poster now in my son's room

Day 21-Vehicle You'd Like to Own- a new Jeep! Cause I think we are gonna give my white one to our son this fall. ;(

Day 20-Morning Routine: hair and makeup: trying to look lovely! LOL An ongoing challenge.

March 19: Lunch today --sesame veggies

March 18: a porch I like and why : Moondance Inn I like it just because it looks so large a yet cozy place to talk. It is very solid and they were brave enough to paint it purple!

March 17: great door decor: on my dd college dorm door for spring: handmade by me! LOL

I usually don't go for door decor on homes but we do have step decor!

March 16: the Whisper of love: dd and SO

March 15: Person on the phone the most: our daughter at college

March 14: a sibling or best friend: my hubby and best buddy

March 13: fave tv show: Lost and Survivor : Sand reminds me of both and was fairly easy to find and to photograph.

March 12: odd mailbox

March 11: a sign that makes me smile: Star Wars street sign at our house on my son's door

March 10: a favorite tree

March 9 my key ring:

March 8 two people together: my children and their Grandma J :)

March 7: My favorite clothing and why: my daily footwear- my grey wool clogs

March 6: Something in Your Town that You Love or Hate--The Corn Tower--icky-- I think it is tacky....

March 5: The Weather Outside Today- My snowy backyard. Love it. (Sorry my image host added jog size strip at the bottom and I don't know how to remove it)

March 4: Photo of a Parent or a Person Older than You that You Admire--Kathy Hansen

March 3: My Child's Artwork-The Poppies in Germany by Jennifer Feb 2008

March 2: Newspaper or Internet News Source--The Internet

March 1: My Goal: to Manage all my Varied Obligations in a Coordinated Manner.--My planner and many, many lists.


lv2scpbk said…
Great job on these. Love that ear of corn. Just curious, is that a love it or hate it ear of corn?
lv2scpbk said…
Back again. I enjoyed your updates. I picked the same tree, a birch, but I also love blue spruce.
lv2scpbk said…
Just an FYI: I am now starting to check to see who has them done up to this point.
Gretchyn said…
Um, yeah, Rock -- what is up with the corn tower??? Hmmm... :)
I have about 4 more pics to get posted and I will be done. Thanks Barb for running this challenge. I hope to have my remaining pics up by the final deadline.ROckester
I did them all but one, I couldn't find a cute or unusual mailbox!

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