Holiday Preparation 2008

Week #1 "List and Browse Week" Nov 1-8th Quick get some Thanksgiving into it! Decorate your home for Thanksgiving asap because November flies by doesn't it? . Quick grab a sheet of paper. Make your lists of gift recipients, Christmas cards, menus for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, goodies to share or to give, favorite meals to prepare ahead, decorations needed, and gifts to make. I reuse my main gift giving list from last year and consult it to make sure I am giving something different to each person than what I did the last two years. Develop and record ideas for gifts and decorations. PLAN and ask yourself the following questions: * Do we put any emphasis on the spiritual side of holiday/Christmas? Can we improve that? * What would our ideal holiday/Christmas be like? How can we make it so? * What ongoing events or activities are particularly important to our family at this holiday? Do we go to The Nutcracker every year? See Santa? Go on a ski trip?...