
Showing posts from December, 2008

Claiming Mine in 2009

Claiming Mine in 2009 I am thinking to get a pre-2009 start on my goals for 2009. I usually move kind of slowly into the New Year. And that may be part of the problem. LOL I dilly dally a bit more than I need to and then I wonder where the time went! Or I focus on only one part of my life and let the rest kind of dwindle as far as goals you do that too? This year I hope to make a bit more headway on my personal goals, hobbies, and LIFE in general. I do have several goals for the year and while I don't believe in making huge resolutions, I do believe in having GOALS and breaking them down into more managable bits and then making them come true by implimenting some sort of step by step progress daily. I will start off this week with an urgent--but small-- list of what needs to be done before the New year even hits. 1. Take the garbage OUT This includes not only the literal holiday trash like used wrapping paper and old foods, but other items too. I noticed some dishware an...

Get Organized! Page Embellishments and Accents

Your Supplies: Organizing Page Additions Originally written July 20th, 2001 by Rockester Are your page embellishments a big mess? Need Help? How do you store your supplies? Don't you hate that feeling when you know you have a pattern or sticker SOMEWHERE-- if only you could lay your hands on it to USE it today! Do you have trouble finding things or keeping them handy? You know that you bought a paper piecing pattern or a magazine, but you can't find it when you want to show a friend or pack for a crop? What do you do with your swaps and purchases? Have you bought duplicate supplies and not known it until you dig out an old shopping bag a month later? What is the remedy for this organizational nightmare?? Need help? Well, let's alk about solutions! (Not that my way is 'right' but if you have no organization system or you have one that is NOT working well for you, then these are just some starter tips that may help you.) Here is what I do. See if you can adapt any ...

Packing Page Kits from Start to Finish!

Got Photos? Packing Page Kits from Photos to Finished Originally written April 20th, 2006 by Rockester I admit it, I am a VERY productive scrapper. I get pages done. And cute ones too. I journal, I embellish, I add handmade doodads as well as store-bought. I honestly can say that after 13 years of scrapping, I make great scrapbooks. And I do them fast. Need a two-page layout design in 45 minutes or an album in a week? No problem. I get asked all the time HOW I do it? I will share with you my straightforward and simple process. If you can master this, you can get a LOT more done in your limited scrapbooking time. I can get up to 160 kits packed in a weekend and later get up to a hundred pages assembled in a week. And I do it consistently, incorporating the cutest and newest materials and accents. But you don't want to hear me brag. You want to know HOW to do this for yourself. Planning is the key. You probably have heard that many times at many websites and forums. What ...

QUIZ What's Your Scrapbooking Style??

Quiz: What's Your Scrapping Style? Written originally May 21st, 1999 by Rockester Do you feel behind in your scrapping? Do you wonder if you will ever finish that album? Do you wonder how some scrappers get caught up and stay caught up? If so, sit a spell and take this little eight question scrapbook quiz. It will help you see what your goals and your style are within the hobby. No two scrapbookers are identical --as we all know. But we do sometimes put a lot of pressure on ourselves to either get a lot done or to be super artistic on every page. And there are some of us who have never looked realistically at our hobby or our style. If you are just beginning to scrapbook and hope one day it will all get done or just plain feel overwhelmed by the number of photos stacking on! I love good photographs and I love this hobby. Scrapbooking is not only a hobby for me but also a part time job. So, I spend a good portion of my week thinking about it, doing it, reading about it , a...

Holiday Countdown: Week 6 Dec. 14-21

Bake up a Storm!! Or maybe just make a classic of two for your family. Pick a few favorites and bake ahead! Freese unforsted cookies and just add the crowning touches the day you serve them! No one will know the difference. If you can make your yummiest breakfast dish ahead and freeze that ahead, do it! Prepare some favorite meals and other baked goods for the hectic days ahead. Save yourself trouble and work ahead whenever possible. However, don't be so super efficient that you leave the family out of the loop. Involve children in memory making! They are worth the extra flour and sugar on the floor. :) I love the classic sugar cookie for baking with my kids even now that they are in their college years! They do too. I think it is a great flashback moment for them at the holidays! Party Time! Complete last minute details and enjoy holiday parties, concerts, and family ac...

Clipboard gifts: Inspiration

Here are some great ideas! My own previous blog post is here And some great clipboards at TwoPeas Here is how to make them step by step: Good luck and have fun with it! Rockester

Holiday Countdown: Week 5 December 7-14th

Holiday countdown continues to keep me in line and this week Holiday Countdown: Here we are at Week 5 : DECORATION, SHOPPING, AND MAIL are the focal areas this week. Shipping: I made sure I got all my holiday cards out the door, decorated the living room and tree, as well as checked my gift inventory and started wrapping! I need to start mailing packages soon as I have a lot of family in other states. Did you know the US postal service will pick up packages at your door for you? Details here Quick Fix holiday decorating from the Pros : an Eco-Friendly Winter/Christmas holiday: If you are feeling overwhelmed already: Breathe, Relax. :) Happy Holidays! Keep going!!! :) :)

Holiday Countdown: Week 4 - Dec 1-7th

Here we are at week 4 in our Holiday Countdown! This week we are: 1. Making gifts like crazy! Inspiration is everywhere. Try idea sites like Wrap and label packages as you go. Set aside needed shipping boxes and bubble wrap. 2. Write your Christmas letters! Complete package wrapping for gifts to be shipped out. Take advantage of in-home printing of postage and stamps at sites like and the USPS 3. Take that family photo and get it reproduced for your cards. Good deals online now at sites like Snapfish and are as low as 9 cents each for 4x6 if you have them delivered to your home by mail. 4. Put away Thanksgiving items and begin to decorate your home. 5. Complete as much shopping as possible. Shop online (even locally!) for bargains and to save time and travel. Keep on track. Shop with a list and a budget. Go home when done. Don't li...