Finding Time for Yourself and Your Hobbies

Finding time to scrapbook--or any other personal hobby time, really--is tough. It is about balance, I think. As a 25 year stay-at-home mom and parent of two children, I know how kids can keep you super-busy, especially in the early years! So can housework, families, homework, outside-the-home work schedules keep you hopping too. How do we as women MAKE time--not find time--to do the things we really want done?? We all put things on our "to do" lists daily. Mentally, or on paper, we CHOOSE parts of our day that we can control. Also we choose how we respond to the rest of the normal pressures of life. The best laid plans always get thrown off kilter. But how do we regroup and re-prioritize our time? From getting your nails done, gassing up the car, helping with homework, grocery shopping, appointments, to taking the kids to the park, we alot our time and our priority to various things in our day. For some women shopping is a 'me time' outlet, for others it is getting m...