January Project Goals Recap and Roundup!

How did we do in January? Did you make any goals? What have you done day to day to make them come true? Did you start out strong and then peter out a bit mid month?? Or are you still determined? My goal is to get items out of my shelves and into the "completed" stack for gift giving next year. I am determined to use what I have. And it is quite a list of TO DOs but it is a manageable one if I keep at it. Rock's January goals: No plastic bags with items from past shopping trips lingering here or there. No more Goodwill items to be altered sitting over there in the corner....No more half finished greeting card packs. First get a grip on knowing what i have again and where it is at. That makes a plan easier to make and to schedule projects. Rock's January action: I have made a start by going all through my studio and getting the items back into categories and filing tools and supply items where they belong. I have about one grocery sack full yet to do. Nex...