Wedding Album: Planning the Layout Sets

Page Sets:
I work with a plan. That means I want to have the timeline of the wedding in my head when I plan my pages and make my kits. We have not taken photos yet but I have a rough idea of how the wedding will go in chronological fashion. I write down all my main page layout topics on a sheet of scratch paper from engagement day to honeymoon departure. Here is my listing of two page layouts that I plan to do for the wedding albums. Looks like 30 or so page topic sets. Feel free to use this list (add or delete topics as needed) when planning your own wedding album! If I do 30 two-page sets it will be a 60 page album which is another reason I choose Binder style 3 ring albums from Making Memories. :)


Engagement Day

Engagement –formal photo shoot

The Rings-

Dress shopping -candids

Bridal shower

Batchelor party

Batchelorette Party

Rehearsal at venue

Rehearsal Dinner and Groom's Cake

The Dress- professional shots

Girls getting ready

Bridesmaids group

Groomsman group

Flower girl and Ring girl




Grandparents Aho

Venue: gardens and fountain w couple

Reception line

Ceremony- Getting married

Musicians, Pastor, Flowers, Ushers, Helpers

Reception venue with couple- Celebrate!

Table decor and head table and candles

Cutting the Cake


Dance with Groom

Dance with Dad

Garter Toss

Honeymoon (Greece)

Our New Home


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