Accountablilty list Oct 23

Oh my! My to do list is pretty long today. I am wondering how much I will get done. I am kinda starting out late in the day but, better late than never right? And I figure if I write my list here I will have to be accountable for it! LOL I can check them off later in the day as I get them done. Ignore if not interesting! I don't mind! LOL DONE clear off work table on porch DONE bring in baskets for basement DONE sweep porch vacuum sofa on porch (love those cats!) :) DONE! vacuum LR vacuum steps DONE laundry basket 1 DONE laundry basket 2 DONE laundry basket 3 (sensing a trend here?) DONE!--put new hardback books away to read later DONE dusting Liv Room DONE! -collect toiletries for flood victims from hall closet DONE! -package up cards for troops to ship to KS declutter kitchen cabinet DONE sweep kitchen floor DONE! make guest bed up Goodness this seems like a big list. I better get crackin! Ready set go! 11:58 am MN time! Will report progress later. :) Rock