New Look! New Contest!

Along with our new look, we have a NEW "SHABBY BLUES" CONTEST!
In honor of my new blue floral scheme here on the MY ALL blog, I am creating a small prize package from my stash for one lucky winner! I am making it up of blues and whites and florals and shabby chic goodness!

Leave a comment --with your contact email--below and you could be our random Shabby Blues WINNER! I will choose a random winner on Thursday evening, Nov 4th.

You could win! :)


Luisa said…
Love the new look of your blog. I consider myself a "blue girl" and really really like it...
Linda W. said…
Oh you are such an enabler Kathy! I actually struggled thru the afternoon and fixed up my blog! Woo hoo! So now I'm back and signing up for the contest! Way to go lady!
Carol said…
Love the new look! I love Shabby Chic!
Carol said…
Kathy, forgot my email. Here it is:

Cherie P. said…
Love the new look
Just Me said…
Like the look, love the flowers at the side. I am going to have to give Shabby Chic a try.
Delightful freebys over at Shabbyblog
Thanks for sharing.

my e-mail addy is
Unknown said…
Hey Kathy,

I'm new to blogs, well not new, just never have done it! I'm still trying to decide on how to make a few cards. One of these day, I'll get around to it!

Anonymous said…
Very cute Rock! I loved looking though everything...I so enjoy reading your blog posts! Thanks for sharing,
Diedra said…
Nice update for your blog. You always have such wonderful ideas to keep all us scrappin and on track.
Michelle said…
The blog look is SO pretty! I LOVE LOVE LOVE blue but at first look I knew my friend Amy would LOVE your and green are her FAVES together! Thanks for the chance to win! Been a subscriber to ScrappersChallenge for a while now.
Michelle in NJ
meeshella2 at aol dot com
Diedra said…
Darn, I did the same thing Carol, forgot my email. Must be the excitement.
Anonymous said…
Love the newblue look! It's great!
Michelle said…
By the way, that list of clipart - CRAZY!!! (I mean that in a good way :)) Bookmarked! :)
D said…
What a pretty blog! Love the soft colors and beautiful flowers :)
Jeanette said…
I love shabby chic but don't have a blog. I spend way too much time reading other peoples blogs to keep one of my own going. But I do love your new look.
Laura said…
whoo! I'm lovin the new look!
Shelly said…
I just adore blue...its always been my favorite color and combined with the tan and green you have here...its beautiful. Way to go!
Laura Murphy-Ogden said…
Great new look! Love it!!
Kathy your blog looks great. :)
Erin said…
The blog looks great. Am really enjoying following your projects. You inspired me on the yahoo group to get all my embellishments organized and get a lot more done at crops and otherwise by making page kits. Thank you and I would love to add some blue to my stash :)
scrapnhawaii said…
Love the new look!! I think I'll need to try something new too.
beautiful! i lovethe colors!
michelessscrapycreations35 at yahoo dot com
Anonymous said…
I just love the new look... When I'm finally able to paint my craft room it will be blue as well....keep up the great work
Kellie 0:) said…
Love the shabby chic look
Very nice
Anonymous said…
I have always been a PINK girly girl. These colors together on your blog are amazing, though and I think I am converting to blue! I have 9 children, and five of them are sons, so I have lots of blue to catch up on- lol! Thanks for sharing! Allison Thompson

abct at dnet dot net
Deanna A. said…
The new look is beautiful!! Love the flowers along the side. Thanks for being so generous and offering this great freebie!!

Deanna A.
jdamund at centurytel dot net
Thank you for the head up about shabby chic blog designs. Your blog looks sensational. i am heading back to the shabby chic blog site now to upload some extra bits for my blog!
badgersue said…
Lovely blog, Rock. I'm adding you to my favorites. Sue
cinmfoster said…
Love the new look. I check it out, looked alround, and hopefully this will I'll have a blog look.
Cindy F
cinmfoster at aoldot com
cinmfoster said…
Love the new look. I check it out, looked alround, and hopefully this will I'll have a blog look.
Cindy F
cinmfoster at aoldot com
SuzieQ said…
Looking good - love blue with two boys to scrap ;)
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Forgot to leave my email earlier! LOVE the new look Rock, nice soft and pleasing to the eye:) Joan in WI
Shelly said…
Rock, you are (and have been for a loooong time!)an inspiration to many of us scrappers -- you've gotten me up and moving - whether it's organizing my stash or my page kits!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new format/layout -- keep up the great work!!
Anonymous said…
Ok, Shabby blue Chic somebody red your blue-log. Will you blue me a kiss? --M
Haha that last one was my hubby who, believe it or not, had never read my blog before!!

:D Yes sweetie I will blue you a kiss!
Anonymous said…
Love the new look! Way to go!
Dorothy said…
Love the new look!
Unknown said…
Great new look! Thanks for offering such a fun contest.
Unknown said…
I love the new look of your blog. Makes me want to relax and stay awhile! I had left you an email and now I'm back leaving a message here to enter this great contest. Keep up the great work!
marlene said…
I like your blog and especially love the card with the soldier-that stamp is perfect for the cards to OWH. Our SR CTR group made some also for the effort-felt good!
In My World said…
Congratulations on the new look. I really love it.
Beverly Lane said…
I really like the new look!
Anonymous said…
You do great work !!! You have come a long way from when you first started. Kitty
Lisa said…
Your new blog is beautiful.. I have been trying to work on getting a blog for myself.. note to self check this out.
sbmama said…
Bee-you-tea-full!!! Love the look of blue shabby. Looks like a hug, lol.
Leslie G. said…
Love the look and all that you do for me and for many of the scrapbookers out in the world. I appreciate you!
Tracy Schreiner said…
LOVE the new look! I want to see if they will help me with my pink fetish!

Thanks for always keeping us on top of everything!!

Liz said…
Hi, been following you for a while enjoying your motivation and tips. I too am a list maker. Sometimes I get ideas from what you do! Your blog is really nice. I love the suttle blues! Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
mary said…
Very pretty new look!
Ginny said…
Love the new look!

scrappydesigns at gmail dot com
Jeanette H said…
I love the new look!!!!
Unknown said…
Oh, pick me, pick me!!! (crinklenose aht gmail dot com)
Anonymous said…
You are such an inspiration! Love the new blog look! Thanks for all you do to keep us inspired!

Ann said…
I like the new look. Blue is my favorite color.
Wendy Taylor said…
Just found your blog and organizational info today - WOWZA - LOVE IT!!!!
Was just in the market for that this week! I will definitley be bookmarking your site.
Anonymous said…
Hi Rock, it Dawn (aka mamamoni)the new site looks awesome. I have enjoyed your blog since day one, and it just keeps getting better each time! You are definately an inspiration to me.

Dawn Higgins
Anonymous said…
I love your blog! You have such great ideas!
> ....the winner of the recent My All Blog New Look SHABBY BLUE
> giveaway contest is the commenter who posted with comment/post
> number 9 out of 58
> and it is DIEDRA!
> "Diedra said...
> Nice update for your blog. You always have such wonderful ideas to
> keep all us scrappin and on track.
> 6:29 PM "
> If she could let me know privately at
> her postal address I can get her Shabby Blues package prize out to
> her!
> Thanks everyone for the comments! Keep scrapping!
> Rockester

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