Dig into Genealogy 101

Have you always wanted to make an album and incorporate your family history into it? Well grab a 12x12 binder style album and let's get started! Leave your email in the COMMENTS if yu want to purchase one or more kits. New kits will be shown as they become available in 2011. I recommend ordering as we go along because supplies are limited to 50 and under of each set. "My Story" title page for Genealogy 101 in 2011 at the store where I work. ($7.50 plus shipping) I think I will upload it to the Basic Grey gallery too. They need more genealogy pages up on there. :) The girl at desk silhouette is from Cricut cartridge "Sentimentals." "Original Me" January month --first set --a two page layout about yourself. ($14.50 plus shipping) I love this one because it is blue! My favorite color. :D Always start your record keeping and genealogy work with a few of your own pictures and statistics. Lecture notes and chart included. "Mom and Dad" ...