March is Paper Storage month!

It's March and it's time for PAPER!
Yep it's time to organize any paper sheets that you have in the stash. Big or small, it's time to take care of your sheets, packages, and slabs!

I recommend taking apart all your non-themed slabs and packages. WHY? I would say that when I do, I always end up getting rid of about 5-10 % of each slab based on the "I don't really care for that one" basis as I actually leaf through them. WHY keep those papers for months or years when I don't care for them--just because I didn't notice? HUH? Take care of the duds right way. DONATE!

The second reason I take apart my paper slabs is that I want to have the freedom to use them in combination with OTHER BRANDS. I want to be able to sort by color family and then use those papers that go together for individual projects based on what goes well together BEYOND what the designers for that company pre-decided for me. I can still use the papers together if I choose. But this way I will see new possibilities!

I even take apart my 8x8 or 6x6 paper slabs. Why, you ask again? I store them in with the larger papers by color family! This allows me to see possibilities for using them as photo mats on any bigger 12x12 pages. It's a very nice way to really see the new combos you can make when the papers are in close proximity. It expands your design options as you make your page kits or pages.

Hope this helps!


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