SMASH books and COMPO books

I love this kind of project! Adding all the miscellaneous bits of life ( or just one adventure!) into a quick scrappy journal is so much fun. "Smash books" are the brand name from EK Success and K and Co partnering to bring you a ready made type of product for something we used to do on our own with composition notebooks from the office supply and our own stash of papers. Wanna see a EK Smash Book? This is new from CHA but you can also make your own and we will talk about that in a minute. Watch the video here and of course those come with nice accessories like a combo pen/glue stick and giant rubber bands (LOVE those tools!) But I honestly prefer to use my own supplies and not have it be so 'off the shelf'. We used to do these same books with $1 composition notebooks and either cover the outside with your own scrapbook papers or paint and rubber stamp the covers. Add in your normal scrapping embellishments too as well as p...