CHRISTMAS IN JULY -Stationary from Excess Paper stash

Let's use up some of our lighter patterened and lighter colored lightweight cardstocks in a fun new way. It's not on a scrapbook page--oh no. It's as stationary. Trim your papers down to 8.5x11 and stack them into the printer. Make some personalized 8.5x11 letterhead with your gift recipient's name and address. Or choose some great clip art and some fun sayings like these:
and print out a dozen sheets for each person. Let the paper colors be mixed and random. Of course you can print half sheets too in landscape mode. Leave a lot of open space in the center for them to write in.
You can also run borders up the side with fonts and art too. Lots of ideas here.
Let the designs be simple and quick. Classic and fun. Tie the bundle up with some extra ribbon and you have a gift. Let's use up some paper!