Mummy loves you!

Corny I know. But I had to make them. I was inspired by this link I found through PINTEREST with instructions I made one for my son and one for my daughter. SHhhhhh! Don't tell. It's a secret. My kiddos are both married and live in different states....I just had to send them each goodie boxes. They are getting these adorable mummies in the mail this weekend. I used wire for the inner armature that my hubby had in the garage. That and a white cotton muslin rag that I tore in continuous strips. These mummy buddies literally take about 20 minutes each. Done is good. Nice thing is they BEND so you can pose them. Print out your choice of wording by computer in Fall colors for the sign and mat a couple times with Fall papers. Your mummy really will gain a personality of its own when you start to shape them. Very cute. Have fun with it!