Halloween Cuteness

Just sharing a little spookyness before I put it all away....
click on any photo for a larger view.

The little characters are a Lang and Wise line called Special Friends by Sherry Buck Baldwin. I have a few for each season. Did you notice the giant spiders (Dollar store rings) in the trees and on the woodpile? Creepy.... lol

Just sharing because I thought it turned out so cute. Now I am now taking it all down to put up other cuteness...

Take a look too at how I diplayed my Halloween ATC cards here in the "tree". I had the metal bucket and went outside to locate a big twiggy branch that had blown off the trees. I had some spare clips from my Clip It Up. To keep the branch stable, I poured some bulk unpopped popcorn into the bucket and whalaa! I was kind of patting myself on the back about this because otherwise no one sees these handmade and traded ATCS done for Fall and Halloween because I keep them in ATC albums.

I am keeping the small pumpkins and transitioning now into Thanksgiving....time to get out the next season of little figurines!


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