I am in the Garden... A day in the garden is bliss but two or three in a row in a beautiful Minnesota springtime is heavenly. Let me sit in the shade at my tile table tops and I will plant plants into pots all day long. Peppers, tomatoes, turnips and poppies and coleus and zinnias...I think I have planted from seed about 40-50 varieties of flowers and vegetables and yard plants this spring and I am not done yet. I garden just about like I scrapbook. I make a goal, I find my best choices for re-purposing the resources needed, and then I coordinate my use of these items to benefit my family and my friends and local charities. I have gotten a lot of gardening done this spring. You can blame it on the limitless source of $5 for 450 pounds of black compost soil available locally at the city grass composting facility. Or blame it on the three people on Freecycle who gave me FREE containers and pots--literally hundreds of them. Or blame it on ...