Going around in CIRCLES...in a good way! These circles are meant to be--and here is how they are shaping up! This is the pattern for a quilted Christmas tree skirt that I am in the process of making. This pic is from the free tutorial online at http://www.sewwequilt.com/2011/12/comfort-and-joy-guest-from-us-annies.html My daughter - in - law chose this pattern from three possibilities I offered her. These were free p atterns online (budget friendly) that I thought I could technically tackle. I am so happy to be able to make them something that they actually need, will use, and hopefully LOVE! To start, she chose about 1/3 of the fabrics from my existing red, green and gold fabric stash. Hurray for using stash! Then we went shopping and she helped me pick out the other 2/3 of them at the fabric store. FUN! She is so good with colors, she picked some beauties. I had to laugh when I got ho me and noticed the main fabric is from a known scrapbo...