
Quilts! Quilts! Quilts! I have been making progress on more quilts since I last blogged. And since I can't seem to upload my photos to one of my quilting groups today, (just a technical glitch) I can share my progress here on the blog instead. Hubby's Minnesota Retirement Quilt! UPDATE! Here is the quilt top with all the pinwheels on and more borders added. After the navy blue border I added a print with bears, moose, trees, and wolf paw tracks. After that I added the pinwheels all around. I think there were 36 of those! All from plaids and from flannels in outdoor prints. The blue outer border was purchased from a garage sale and was perfect! It has old fashioned steam trains (which hubby loves), Mt Rushmore, Mount St Helens, Lady Liberty, Space Needle and several other places my husband and I have traveled together. Onward now to sandwiching, quilting and binding! From a previous (but related) posting: Primarily sharing my projects since August! Starting wit...