Happy Birthday to me. :D

Happy Birthday to me and a big THANK YOU to all those in my life that I treasure and who help keep me creating, sane, and happy. It is an honor to have all of you in my life.

I talked to my mom last night (herself 74 years young) and she mentioned needing some veggie seeds for her spring garden. She is out west in a much warmer zone and virtually months ahead of me here in MN for growing time. So, I pulled together some of my seed packets to send out to her. SPRING IS COMING!

Yeh! Went out to lunch with a dear friend and  I even got a Skype call from Basel, Switzerland where my daughter Jen and her hubby are vacationing and enjoying the Fastnacht festival in Basel. It's like a cross between Mardi Gras and Christmas and Halloween. I was very happy to hear from them and see them on screen.

Hubby and I will go out tonight too and celebrate my 53rd year in style. I don't hide my age or color my hair. I am who I am baby! :D I would not trade one minute of my life to be younger. Live each day creatively. Treasure the day. Best wishes to all.


Deb C said…
Happy birthday! Hope you enjoy your dinner and have a great day. My birthday is this week also; I will be 52.
Anonymous said…
Happy Belated Birthday...hope it was fabulous...love your site.

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