Works in Progress

Progress is rolling along here! I sewed on Friday Sat and a little on Sunday too. I got several more Works In Progress done. These are things that don't really qualify as older UFOs (Unfinished Objects) because I had not started them before the current calendar 2013 year. Anything cut into and started before Jan 1 2013 is a UFO. Anything started after that is a WIP. The totes and the potato bags were all free motion quilted so I am linking up to Leah Day.s Free Motion Quilting Project. Here are my WIPs number 17 to 20. These are tote bags of varied sizes using up osme of my Mary Engelbreit fabrics that were given to me about 6 months ago by a friend. I am keeping the large one. Gifting the others which are lunch bag sizes. These were done a few weeks ago. WIP number 21, also done previously ,was the Mary Engelbreit porch sofa quilt mentioned in another blog post. Done on Friday, my WIP number 22 is a set of pillowcases to gift my daughter in law on her upcoming bir...