Grandmother's Flower Garden is Blooming!

This completely hand pieced hexagon quilt UFO 9 for me was started when I got the half done top at a senior center garage sale for five dollars about 10 years ago. Funny part of the story is that when I got to the senior sale ten years ago my eye spied this right away and I made a beeline for it. I got to it split seconds before another gal and at garage sales once you pick something up it is yours kind of like dibs until you lay it back down on the table. The gal that was a slim moment too late after me got all testy about it. She followed me with a grim frown for about 5 minutes around the sale while I shopped. Finally she said Are you going to put that quilt down or not because she wanted it! I said no I intended to buy it, thank you. Off she stomped casting looks as she went. Sorry, hon! :D The parts of this quilt top that were already done were the coral, green and some blue in the center top region maybe 1930 and early 1940s fabrics. In the bag were also the o...