Cloches! Yes, I love them!

I came across so many cool small collectables in my decor this last year while decluttering. . Things like real bird nests, small animal figurines from my mom and grandma, silk flowers, teacups and saucers, fairy garden pieces, old books, etc. I decided to kind of combine some of these seemingly random pieces with the idea of terrariums and cloches. Tidy up my smalls, so to speak, into intentional seasonal decor pieces.

Then I was off to find my glass tops and some platforms, dishes, and trays for the bottoms! Some were vases, jars, goldfish bowls, and candy dishes. Two were cloches from mantel clocks. I decided I needed two or three for each season so I could rotate them out. I have supplies for nine total and have made these five so far. Still hand making a few more this week. Highly recommend for corralling your varied smalls into a sweet decor project. This is my result!



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