More sketches and Fun!

Hey, Hey, Hey~!! I finally have a few minutes to upload here on the blog. Wanna see some of my newer work from the last few weeks? Sorry for any glare on the pics. :) As always I love lumpy details, pattern papers and fiber. I am using my paper stash down and my accent supply as well. I have used some photos more than once here because we are making doubles for my daughter's bf. Click to enlarge any photo. Once again, I have placed the inspiring pic or sketch below the photo to show you the variety you can achieve with simple FREE sketches. The small inspiration pics come from sites like Scrapjazz gallery, gallery, sketches and the blank sketches are from designers like Becky Higgins , PageMaps, and my own little mind. LOL Be sure to check out Becky Fleck's new PageMaps book with 128 NEW Pagemaps.... I just bought it and I love the cards in the back which work so well in my PAGE KITS!! Love that. Above we have a best friends snowman LET IT S...