Goals 2012 Revisited

Ahhh that little thing called accountability...Gotta love it. 

I was spurred by one of my online quilting groups (STASHBUSTERS) this week to double check on how my last year went craft-wise. Did I get much done on my quilting UFOs and outstanding paper project boxes, page kits, knitting and so on?? Now that we are approaching December, can January and the New Year 2013 be far behind?  I daresay it will be all here faster than I am ready! LOL

In July I mentioned that I had this list of 2011-2012 supplies and stash to work on.   I know lists are a little boring to read when they are not your own but I hope this will illustrate for some of you how plugging away at your goals weekly does indeed pay off!  Looking at my list now in November, the RED items are incomplete. The black items are completed! Yeah!! 


12x12 binder style albums and protectors - 5 assorted styles and colors- one album made into baby gift album and 3 filled with hundreds of finished pages! 1 binder left for 2013

6x6 mini albums- 4- Grandma gift albums- 2 done, 2 donated!

8.5x11 albums -3 - Two are made into gift albums done about my mother in law. 1 left for my son in laws 2013 project

clipboard to alter and cover -2 - Donated!

great grandmother album for my mom with pics of her two gr grand daughters in it- done!

travel album -1 - my son's Germany trip - probably in 2013 now. DONE!

blank family tree charts- large- 2 (Hmmm, I have two kids don't I?) planned for Christmas gift

fill in the book family tree info book- 1 - donated because I put same info into other projects.

quilt project- round table runner kit for Jy-  hoping to finish for Christmas

quilt project -teal wall hanging kit for Jy - given to Jy to work on since she wanted more sewing practice on her new machine.

tote bag pattern and lots of cotton fabrics- still a UFO- decided to do it in 2013 as a possible class project with the girls.

cherries in garden- FROZEN 2 bags for holiday pie baking

apples in garden - NONE! Blossoms dropped in the cold so only 5-8 apples on the ENTIRE tree! Too bad really but saves me a bit of work in the long run this year. Better luck next crop.

mulberries in garden - picked. and used in pie with other fruits. I then shared one of my two bushes with my son and transplanted at his home.

crabapples in garden - None- tree not mature enough yet to really harvest.

lemon balm in garden- Yes! harvested, dried and made into a sugar lemon scrub for gifts.

pint jars x 24 (you can see where this one is going... LOL) - I used a dozen for salsa and 2 for sugar scrub and 4 for fruit compote filling for Galettes.

beautiful photo frames -4  - given as gifts w photos inside


And to add to the above list I have also completed in 2012:

about 150 greeting cards for Operation Write Home - completed and shipped.

300 plus greeting cards for my own greeting card swap to use, to gift, and to trade with some very creative ladies!

90 yummy chocolate candy turtles for holiday gifts 2012!

Reorganized my entire studio workspace and moved it to another larger room in 2012 which took about 2 weeks total.

FINALLY used my Fiskar Bowmaker to make 45 bows with odds and ends of ribbons and trims for Christmas gift wrapping

knitted cotton dishcloths- 8 completed! I give these as gifts as well.

Planning on using 5 rolls of Christmas wrap paper this year that I have had for 5 years!

one baby quilt for a friend's granddaughter using 3 yards of stash fabric and batting

one baby quilt for my husband's cousin's 2nd daughter using 3 yards of stash fabric and batting

one tree skirt for Christmas 2012 for my son. using about 3/4 yard of stash Christmas fabrics

one spiral bargello style tree skirt for my daughter for Christmas 2012 using about 1-2 yard of stash.

one queen sized blue lone star quilt top is 1/2 quilted --and 1/2 to do --for my son for Christmas 2012 

Given away:  never to be seen or sorted or worried about ever again!
35 older rubber stamps 
5 assorted ink pads
9 decorated lunch boxes
duplicate Dymo labeler to my daughter
assorted cutting tools and fibers and ribbons
all my beading supplies except my pliers and cutters
dozens of books
20 grocery bags of decor and kitchen and clothing items
22 blankets (of all sizes) in early November to New York and New Jersey after Hurracaine Sandy for the warmth of the needy there.
about 30 scrapbook, craft and quilt and decor magazines
one grocery sack of cake decorating and cookie cutters from my collection
wooden disks, yarns and other varied craft supplies I don't need or want to worry about any more! :D

dozens of finished 12x12 layout sets.
dozens of cards

I haven't finished everything on my goals list yet. I see above items in red are what I have to get accomplished in the next month so I better get busy! I enjoy a deadline and a challenge--so bring it on!

Stay motivated and productive!  


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