Please help those in need from Storm Sandy by donating to the RED CROSS

If you were in the path of all the destruction from that storm--or any disaster --you are in my heart and prayers. I hope the tips below help you know where to turn for aid, give you some pointers on how to help yourself and your family, and get you going in a good direction when you might be feeling helpless.

For the 80% of the country that Sandy didn't damage, BE PREPARED for any kind of emergency in your own location. Too often we wait too long, think it can't happen to us, or just don't take the time to do the steps we know we should to keep our own households running in a time of emergency --or after one happens.

When done reading, pass these on by sharing the post so those who need the data in the NE will see it. I know power is out on many of these areas but some cell phones still get internet and email. If someone you know needs this info and is feeling lost as to what to do next, please share.
At each of these links there are wonderful lists and tip sheets, even PDFs for us to consult. Print them now. PRINT IT and keep it in page protectors in your emergency box. Don't wait until it is too late and you either don't have access to the internet, electricity, or your printer is looted --or ruined underwater.

For those who need it in the NE area --and are not sure what to do now that the storm has passed. (Because I have been seeing this question from the public a lot on the varied news commentary sites) Pass it on!
What To Do After a Hurricane

Disaster Aftermath:
How do you pay your bills or get a second copy of vital documents after a disaster?

Cleanup begins with YOU.    FloodSmart

Sock It To Me x 4:  Four pair of dry Wool Socks per person.

 How to sterilize water supplies:

How to hitch knot and hang a rope clothesline:

My Freezer Lost Power, Now What? 

How to make a backyard Barbeque Pit in the ground and Cook that Meat before it Goes Bad--Then share with the neighborhood!

 When and How to Clean a Flooded Carpet

Assess floodwater levels, damage, and floodwater in your home after a flood to start recovery process and restoring your home.
We learned a lot from Katrina so lets put that to use.
Home safety - returning after a disaster.
Information on What to Do After a Flood - New York State Disaster Recovery - Think Safety First
What to Do After a Flood

How to keep your food grilling safe:

How to Make Your Own Antibacterial Hand Wipe Towels: Keep the materials in your emergency kit and assemble wipes when needed.

A Wool Blanket--or two--for Each Person in the Household. Here's Why and How to Use Them:
Pass these on by sharing so those who need the data will see it. I know power is out on many of these areas but some cell phones still get internet and email. If someone you know needs this info and is feeling lost as to what to do next, please share.

Take responsibility for acting wisely. In the end, if you can help yourself, well, not only is it good for your survival but it enables you to also take care of your family and neighborhood better and faster and wiser.
Print out this info from the links above--and keep it in page protectors or in a binder in your emergency preparedness boxes and kits. WHY? So that you actually HAVE it in front of you when your are panicked, agitated, confused or exhausted and can't think straight. You will need it when your internet is down (because it will likely be down) when you need the info the most! A simple step is to print it out now to help you know what to do later. 


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