In a Funk about your Organizing Goals?

In a Funk? Let's chat...

All right. It's just you and me here. Me typing on my end and you
reading on your end. Let's ignore the other 9900 people on the SC list that
read this at other times during the day and chat a minute.

You and me being real.

As the moderator you hear my little speeches and emails almost daily. I
try to encourage everyone as a group every day to MOVE toward those
goals that we have in common. Now, I am just talking to you. You may not
know me in person. But I can tell you are waiting for something. You are
waiting for some sort of a 'go' signal from the cosmos, from me, from
the groups you belong to, or from yourself before you really kick start
yourself and make a change. You might say you are waiting for the loved
ones in your life to do x, y, or Z before you tidy up your life. You
might be waiting for a raise before you can 'afford' to organize. You
might be waiting for the kids to move out so you can have more space.
There are lots of little things that CAN stand in your way mentally
before you give yourself the psych up mentally to actually start getting
things in gear.

Let me just say, woman to woman (or woman to man as the case might be) that you should NOT wait for the cosmos or your family --or life-- to give you the "go" signal. You MUST give it to yourself. Life is full of little hurtles and procrastination points. BUt there is something that can move mountains. And in our case it is mountains of clutter. That one thing is-- believe it or not--YOU. I have seen firsthand how telling yourself YES can yield great results.

Yes Rock is talking to me.
Yes I do need to get moving--even if just for a little while today on
one bookcase or drawer.
Yes I might be able to do this again tomorrow.
Yes I see how just getting started made things better this week.
Yes I can do this if I don't think TOO hard about it and put obstacles
in my own way.
Yes it may mean I have to stay up late one or two nights if I am on a roll.
Yes I can take a look at what I have in my own home that I can
re-purpose or recycle to get the job done.
Yes I love how doing something for myself and my household makes me feel.

Yes I am proud of even a little progress this week. Damn right.
(pardon the swearword)

I will not wait for the cosmos to tell me "go for it" because I can tell
myself and BEGIN the process of clearing out. If I was there with you I
would look you in the eye and say Yes YOU can do this too.
Sign off this computer and go sort and get started! You'll be so glad
when you do. You don't have to do it all in a day...just do a little
And if you need a pep talk write me privately
We WILL do these challenges together so that your goals can be met.



Anonymous said…
i know how u feel i try organizing my scrap book supplies and i just cant do it. its not like i have alot. i just dont know what to do to it. i got all my ribbon, glue, stickers, and embellishments in a target i need some cubbies or something. but i'll get there... hopefully.
Andrea said…
Great post! I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I tell myself as soon as the kids outgrow the next stage of toys, as soon as they can help more, as soon as x,y,z life will get organized. And my scrapbook area, it's insane! Good motivation.
Lisa said…
I'm in a constant state of "disorganization". Hopefully, I can get my mind to focus on this challenge and accept that I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR ME!
Thanks for the one on one talk...I've got your e-mail, if I need more incentive.

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