Room 1 Entrance and Dining Room

The first week of April we will tackle the Dining Room

(using the Flylady schedule and tips here: )

Remember that decreasing everything in this room overall by 50% is the goal. If you have more than ten to 20 things on the walls in here, take down HALF the items. Keep only the best.

In each room we go through this month let's start at the top. What's on the walls?

Wall art Keepers: What's hanging in your Dining Room?

In the dining room keep it washable!

Black and brown anything is classic.

original art or sculpture by known artists -as long as you can clean it

truly good paintings by family members IN FRAMES behind glass!

one floating shelf of perhaps 1, 3 or 5 BEST items- wipe-able of course

Move to other rooms anything that can get dirty but you want to keep

vintage needle art/heirloom needle art

Family heirloom photos in GOOD frames. --Not those old metal clunky things that are rusting.

Wall art -Rethink it:

clashing themes-- Pick a style/theme. But don't go toooo themey. Think upscale not cutesy.

posters in cheap frames

silk flowers and silk plants

bulk art from discount stores if it is more than 9 years old

tie dyed anything

something aunt susie gave you in 1982 and you hate it

Shelves and shelves of knick nacks- pare it down to 5 items.

Great tips at this site:

Wall Decor by Michael Holland
Home Decorating Made Easy
"Creative Interior Decorating Solutions"

Even if you have the perfect furnishings, your rooms will appear incomplete without suitable wall home decor. So, how do you choose it? How do you find the perfect look? It's actually quite easy:

One: choose what fits. You have style and, even if it changes from room to room, each area has a specific look. Your wall decor should match that. If you love country decor, but select contemporary pieces for your walls, it will clash.

This is just common sense. Your wall home decor should be a continuation of your style, not a new version of it.

Two: keep the room in mind. If you are decorating a living room, you would select pieces that suit it. These same pieces would not be found in a home office or bathroom. Your wall home decor should match the room it's in.

While you may find a beautiful piece to hang, you should never assume that, if it matches the style, it must match the room. Just because you carry on a certain theme throughout the house does not mean that all wall decor will apply to every area.

Also, some rooms will require certain pieces. For example, a home can always use shelving. This counts toward you wall home decor and, without, the room would seem odd.

Three: create variety. Your wall decor should never become monotonous. Just because a certain picture looks good does mean that you should buy tons of prints just like it.

Your rooms need variety. To accomplish that, you should chose from the wide selection of wall home decor. Some of these include:

- Friezes
- Sconces
- Mirrors
- Paintings
- Pictures
- Wall Fountains
- And more!

Of course, your wall home decor is not limited to just items. It includes the color you choose from the walls, any borders or wallpaper you hang, any stencil or mural work you do and anything similar. Combining these ideas always adds the right amount of variety.

For example, if you chose to paint three of the four walls one color and then used the fourth to showcase a mural, it would make the area pop. Your wall home decor should never be dull.

Commit these suggestions to memory for they will make it easier when you need to go shopping for the perfect wall home decor.

No room is complete with bare walls--even with the most minimal of styles, you still need something to draw attention to the entire room, not just the furnishings.

Whether you simply want to paint, or fill your walls with extras, the choices are endless. Just be sure to make a choice. You need wall decor. It's not just a continuation of your style; it helps complete your rooms, making your home seem...well, like a home.


For more dining room ideas, see Rate my Space

or HGTV kitchens and dining rooms here


Displaced Heel said…
Great ideas, Rock, except that I understand you are NEVER to put oil under glass. Prints, yes, but not anything oil.

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