Goodbye Bryan ...and one good idea....

Bryan Timm (rest in peace)
and Jenny
Valentines 2007

Off topic a bit because we just got back from the visitation of my daughters ex-boyfriend. He passed away in a car accident this week. I hope none of you ever have to go through what this family is feeling.

What can possibly be a "good idea" out of all this sadness?

<>If you ever have to have a visitation for a loved one, do what Bryan's family did. Go and buy two large cuddly stuffed teddy bears that you like that are exactly identical. Bryan's parents each held one all through greeting --and hugging and crying-- with all of us for 4 long hours. They periodically traded the bears and of course cried over each one about the same over time. The line was hundreds and hundreds ofBryan's teenage friends as well as other community members and friends. Each person got to hug one bear or the other another as we hugged and cried and shared stories with Bryan's parents. Both bears are equally loved and cried over and hugged with love of all his friends and family members.

Bryan's mom explained to us that they got two the same so that one can be put tonight into Bryan's casket (which was closed today due to his injuries). And the other equally loved and cried over and hugged-with-love bear will stay with his parents at their home to remind them of all the love this community shared with them today. Bryan was their only child. Knowing that they would need a tangible reminder in the future of Bryan's presence and how he was loved, they will use this bear to comfort themselves now and then. And I hope that they will have the peace of heart knowing that the other bear is with Bryan forever.

As you can see above, Bryan believed people need their teddy bears and he gave Jenny this one at Valentine's. She has been using her "Bryan bear" a lot this week. Ok now I am crying ...but isn't this a wonderful idea? So sensible andtouching too.I hope none of you ever have to go through what this family isfeeling. ..but if you know someone who is, relay this idea. It may come in handy.

And please, for Bryan's memory, don't drive tired. Help your teens to stay alert when driving. Above all....Be safe...


Krys72599 said…
There are no comments because there are no words.
I'm so very sorry.
Anonymous said…
Rock, My prayers are with you and your family at this time of need along this young mans family. When my daughter was 17, her boyfriend was killed in an automobile accident after leaving our house. Our family understands what you and your family are going through and wish there was a way we could help take this pain from you. You will stay in our thoughts and prayers. Please give your daughter a great big hug from all of us in NH. I am so sorry for your loss.

Marijo - NH

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