TO DO list: Making Progress overall

I had so much success with posting my to do list here (even if only a couple people read it) and then highlighting in RED what I got done each day. I took a list of 58 items on July 10th

and only have 15 items left off that listing to do! I got 75% of my TO DO list done in10 days! I am now going to take those 15 items, list them again here, and add more on that popped up the last few days.

I hope I have just as much success in the next ten days!

Room review for Dawn Rhodes
Order for Dawn and I at OT-done
find that check!
fold laundry-done
read HP novel
sort magazines and sell on SC Ad Day x3
cut baby titles/names on Cricut
pack up Grma's books
Clinic paperwork @ shots done
Payment info for college done for Mike
Shot paperwork for U sent in for J
paperwork on P
Paperwork on Devon
clean studio-done
deliver Laurie's blue items, B&B cd
upload 2 more ST sets to ebay
Help dd with her wall quilt
make dd bed quilt
donate items out of laundry room craft stuff
Give R his gift
purple and green card project-done
Grandpa Project letters transcribed X 20
make page kits for B's band pages-done
make pages kits for Bryan's reg scrapbook for his mom-23 done
clean garage
schedule fiber exchange here in sept
black shoes for Jy work-done
JM cd pickup
burn Cheer cds-done
mail Cheer cds out- aug 11 delivery
write Ove in Norway-done
Call Jodi B @ dolls-sat.- mail pkg
water back yard and garden-done
clean planting corner out


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