To Do Lists as long as Pinocchio's nose....

Sometimes in the middle of summer I just feel like sitting. Heck I do it in the winter also...But it always puzzles me in the summer when this mode strikes me. There is so, SO much to do. Stuff that I don't care for--sure--but also so many FUN things too. My to do list has lots on it in all kinds of areas. Some would be very fun, some why do I just feel like reading a novel?

Why do I feel a bit rebellious about the laundry basket in front of me? Why do I blog instead of getting up to garden? Why do I look for more creative ideas online than actually DOING the projects I have ready to work on in my studio? I love to organize. Why am I not doing it right now? Big sigh. Am I trying to 'rest' up after all the turmoil of our community losing Bryan? Am I concerned about how to help the others? Why do I go out to lunch instead of making a simple sandwich at home? Why am I tired? Am I trying to psych myself up for August and all the college hoopla? Am I tired of putting on my game face? Am I feeling stuck between certain decisions? Am I stymied by my lack of HTML skills? Am I too lazy to even enumerate my huge TO DO list? Why can't I even enjoy sorting out my colorful, tactile, creative stash of ribbons and fibers? Am I crabby? Am I bored?


all of the above.

So what should I do to solve this?
I will do what I often do. Make a list. Get up off my fanny. MOVE.
Ok here is the list. It's my version of "the first step".


fold laundry basket of clothes x 3-done
vitamin box set up-done
order Scwanns for Jn delivery-done
baby book-pink-for shauna
deliver shauna's album-jy
baby book-pink-for sarah
mail sarah's album out
paperwork on P
donate Jean Auel books to library-done
call Jody B about angel dolls for Ronald McDonald House-done
vacuum living room-done
take dd to sign Eagles papers-done
Clinic paperwork @ shots done
Payment info for college done for Mike
dishes in kitchen-done
clear dining table off-done
mail package to my mom-done
address 2 envelopes to send-done
get prize boxes for SC winners ready- done
pack up Grma's books
sort beads-tue am-done
clear Jy desk-done
clear work desk off-done
clear work table off-done
clear studio desk off
clear cutting desk off
clear computer desk off--do you see a trend here?
work on bridal layout for client-done
mail another bridal layout for client-done
read novel
deliver Laurie's items, B&B cd
take a nap-done
make something to take to T's for dinner-done
water garden-done
water borders-done
clear floor in studio of baskets....why do I love containers?
sort photos rec'd in mail this week
finish red ST set
finish blue ST set
upload 2 more ST sets to ebay
Help dd with her wall quilt
make dd bed quilt
donate items out of laundry room craft stuff
Give R his gift
make page kits for band pages
make pages kits for Bryan's band book for his mom-3 done
clean garage
clean planting corner out
mail font links to SC-Done
write V a thank you note-done
print out new 3 months calendar July-Aug-Sept-done
photograph new "Sweet Teen" ebay items-done
list new Sweet Teen items for wed-wed sales-done!
read magazines and toss to recycle -done
Room review for Aeryn-done
burn cheer squad cds for girlsx12-done
Room review for Dawn Rhodes
post pics to Facebook-done

Ok I am worn out just listing it. LOL
Start small, kathy, start small....

Ok magazines first....


Anonymous said…
Chin up mom!

love you!!!
angela said…
Kudos! You have completely cheered up a like mind! Just think....there is a lot you have already marked off. You are doing GREAT!

Now sit...have a beverage and READ a book...RELAX!

You deserve it!

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